Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Uncooperative, But I Don't Mind

We had our First Trimester/NT Scan yesterday, and I think that the doctor was a little bit frustrated that the baby was lying in the umbilical cord, thus making it hard to get the necessary measurements.  But my husband and I sure didn't mind--it meant that we got an extra long viewing session of our baby! 

It amazes me how over such a short period of time, the baby can go from looking like a gummy bear to an actual human being.  Since this is our second pregnancy (or fifth, to be honest), it's nice to be able to identify body parts.  I know to relax when I see the little blinking heart, and to smile when I see hands and feet with distinguishable fingers and toes.  But it's still too early to identify gender anatomy--I tried, and I asked.  Perhaps at our next regular appointment in two weeks--I'll be fifteen weeks, which is still a little early, but maybe we'll get lucky.

It took me laying on both my right and left sides to get the baby to finally somersault into place so that the doctor could take the necessary measurements, but she finally got the shot she needed, and the preliminary measurements look good.  I still have to wait for bloodwork to come back in a week or so, but things are looking good and normal so far.  The baby was measuring two days ahead--which would actually give me an August 6th due date.  I trust the baby will come when he or she is ready.

On Sunday we found out that a couple from church is one week behind us.  It will be fun to have a friend to share this pregnancy with again, much like I did with my very-dear friend when I was pregnant with Ella.  We're not nearly as close, but I still really appreciate and enjoy her and the husband.  Since this is their first, it's weird to be the "experienced" one, this time time around.  And yet, in a way, being pregnant just feels natural.

Yesterday's blessing was sharing the pictures from our ultrasound with Ella, and explaining all the images to her.  In one picture, the baby appeared to be giving us a "high five", and Ella wanted all of us to reciprocate the gesture to the picture.  It's amazing to think of her as a big sister. 


  1. Congratulations on a great scan. I'm so happy everything looked good. And you can never complain when the baby isn't cooperating! We got several extra minutes while the baby wouldn't move into the right position. I was thrilled!

  2. :-) glad everything went well!!

  3. great news on the scan! Our baby has been difficult from the beginning for ultrasounds (stubborn like mommy lol) and one time the tech was so frustrated because her hand was numb/sore from trying to get the right pic/measurements. She had be hop down from the table and 'hang' forward while standing while she left the room and said - hopefully the baby will turn. Little did she know I had a piece of chocolate in my purse and I knew that would do the trick so I ate it and when she came back, she got the measurements. Bonus is what Cheryl said above, you get a longer time to stare at the little miracle!

  4. Who doesn't love a longer scan! We had the same w/Addy. It is really nice that you have someone to be pregnant w/again. I missed that this time around.

    I can't wait to find out what you are having!!

    Loving all the pregnant bloggie ladies!!


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