Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thy Will Be Done

I've said that passage of The Lord's Prayer thousands of times. I remember one of my dad's sermons (he's a pastor) about really taking the words to heart when reciting the prayer--and not just saying it from memory. Since that sermon, I've really tried to think about what the words mean.

"Thy will be done". That's a hard prayer to swallow. I've meditated on those words in each of my three pregnancies. I put my pregnancies into God's hands each time. I don't feel like I can say that I gave the Lord "permission" or "my blessing" to do what He wanted with the pregnancies--I know that I truly don't have any power in such matters. But I remember conscientiously telling God that I relinquish any sort of control over the lives of my children to which I thought I may somehow be holding.

I can't pretend to understand God's will for my life. I can't fathom how three losses fit into His plan. But I have to believe that He loves me and He has something in store for me that is bigger and better than anything that I can imagine. And so I continue to pray, "Thy will be done".

We had some clouds roll in today, which allowed for an amazing sunset. I'm so blessed to be able to view such beautiful sights right from our back porch.


  1. You are truly an inspiration to me, both as a Christian and a woman struggling with recurrent miscarriages! Thank you so much for this simple reminder. It is easy to lose sight when things don't go the way I "expected" them to.

  2. Thank you for sharing. It is hard sometimes surrendering to His will, but you are absolutely correct when you said "he has something in store for me that is bigger and better than anything I can imagine"! All I can say to that is a resounding AMEN! Thank you! By the way, my daddy is a preacher too!


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