Sunday, November 15, 2009

Five Weeks of AccomplishMEnts

I was inspired by Wendy's "Project: Me"...but I've never been good at setting goals.  Rather, I simply like to work hard, and be proud of what I can accomplish.  My husband returns tomorrow, so I wanted to reflect on what I'm considering to be my "AccomplishMEnts" while he was gone:
  • Did a ton of the extent that the trash was full of debris every single week
  • Cleaned the house from top to bottom
  • Ate healthy...with extra servings of vegetables
  • Fixed two leaky faucets in the bathroom
  • Said "yes" to every single social invitation
  • Got both cars serviced (and one of them washed)
  • Picked up three huge bags of trash along our main road
  • Treated myself to two massages
  • Found and bought the perfect pair of shoes (and a second pair on clearance)
  • Resisted the urge to pick up take-out every night (then rewarded myself with one meal on Friday)
  • Cleaned out my closets and gave away a box of clothes
  • Went to bed early (except for on nights when I was saying "yes" to excursions)
  • Bought two new pairs of pants that actually fit 
  • Watched girlie movies and cried my eyes out
  • Went above-and-beyond at work, including helping out on the weekends
  • Worked out or did yoga just about every single day
  • Stretched my wardrobe to three weeks without doing any laundry
  • Read a book that my mom suggested
Those are the highlights.  Sure, I could have accomplished more.  But I know that I was good to myself.  At the same time, I can't wait to have my husband back so that I can focus on being good to him again.  (Speaking of which, please pray for him as he's traveling back pretty much all day on Monday).

Today's blessing was great worship music at church.  I love it when God can really speak to my heart.through a song.


  1. Wow! You've accomplished more in 5 weeks than I would in a whole year, way to go! Glad he's heading home... saying some prayers for safe travel :-)

  2. whoop whoop!! WOW you are kicking my butt in Project Me! LOL not that it was a contest hahahah-but you go girl! Those are some accomplishments to be very proud of and hopefully by doing some/all of those things, you have found some new joy and new hobby that you didn't know you had before -- keep it up !(although not too much 'socializing' or you might poop yourself out!) lol


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