Monday, September 28, 2009

Really?!? In the Break Room?!?

I just arrived at work, and went about my normal routine.  I turned on my computer, grabbed my lunch, and headed to the break room to toss it in the fridge.  As I turned to leave, I noticed that someone had brought in leftover baby shower plates, cups, and napkins.  I couldn't help but exclaim "Really?!?" out loud (luckily I was the first person in today).  The absolute last thing that I want to do when I am struggling with IF and loss is eat my lunch off a plate with a cute little pregnant belly staring up at me!  And I can only imagine the conversations that these items will start.  This is the same break room where "Guess the Gender" games were posted on the dry-erase board for the three women who were pregnant in the last year.  This is the same break room where my colleagues have placed bets on who is going to be next to get knocked up.

I get it--I'm sure that someone is just trying to be helpful.  I'm all for recycling, and I do admit that we often run out of plates, cups, and napkins at various points throughout the semester.  But it still doesn't make it any easier.  I know I'm being super-sensitive.  Ugh.  I wish I knew how to be more accepting.

Aside from the break room surprise, I'm blessed to have a chance to hang out with some friends tonight.  We've been slowly building up a network or young married couples at church, and the guys are getting together tonight to watch football while the ladies have some "girl time".  I'm really looking forwad to the opportunity to join together in fellowship.


  1. ugh about the plates!! but have fun tonight!

  2. wow, really? Life does smack you in the face sometimes don't it? :( Hope you had a fun night and some good fellowship time!

    And thanks for remembering me yesterday...((hugs))

  3. I found your blog through Sarah Creamer's and I just wanted to say "Hi" and let you know I know what you're going through. Sometimes people, in their efforts to be helpful and kind, actually end up throwing the one thing you don't want to be reminded of right back in your face. My husband and I have been TTC for 3+ years now. We've had 3 failed IUI's and two miscarriages and are now trying to decide whether we will continue to IVF or wait and see what happens naturally. Come over and visit sometime if you get a chance.


I love to hear what you think!